Thursday, February 6, 2014

We met Belle for the first time today. Reese wasn't too excited. She used to only cry when we met the characters. Now she cries when we meet the princesses too.

Waiting for our turn on the the tea-cups. 
Reese loves being able to stand in line by herself. Now that she can walk, I feel more comfortable with not constantly holding her while we wait in line.

Waiting for the Tangled theatre show to begin. 
A lot of the rides seemed to be closed today like Dumbo, Jungle cruise and Its a small world. 

It rained while we were watching the show and for some reason I forgot to pull the shade cover down on her stroller. I always pull it down, so I felt terrible when her seat was all wet when we got out of the show. It must not have bothered her too bad, because she took an hour nap after that and she has never slept longer than 30 min at Disneyland. I enjoyed a churro during her nap. It's the first one I've eaten since we got our passes this year. Once she woke up, we went on Ariel before heading home. We also walked through Tarzan's Treehouse for the first time today.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

This is what happens when Reese keeps me company while I get ready

Reese was exhausted when we got home from her doctor's appointment. It was lunchtime, so I thought I would feed her lunch real quick before her nap. She could not keep her little eyelids open. This is the first time she has fallen asleep in her highchair.

She was 21 lbs 2 oz and 31.5 inches tall. Her doctor thought she was ahead of the curve because of all the words she can say and how well she is walking. She can say mama, dada, amma (grandma), papa, more, thank you, baby, ball, bye bye, bubbles, nana (banana), uh oh, ba ba (binky), na na (night night), nur nur (nursing), bur (bird), boo (book), mi mow (minnie mouse). It's so amazing to watch how much she understands. She recognizes so many words and responds accordingly.